Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Don't worry. None of this blood is mine.

Noo Yoik Photos

Y’know, while I was in New York a few weeks back, someone actually said “Youz guys” to us in a raw Brooklyn accent. True story.

Perhaps a boring story – for you, at least – but I had such a weird moment of disembodiment that I burst out laughing. That, I thought, is how American people talk in films. How rare. 

Anyway, here are some photos, just to get the ball rolling. New York was an immense trip, and there are dozens and dozens of pics, but most of them won’t really be interesting to anyone except me (and the others who were there, natch). So excuse me for chopping them up and only showing a couple.

I’m trying to spare you, here.

Look, we're big fans of the show, okay? Leave us alone. I'm sure you've done lame stuff, too.

Andy and Vince, running the Book Expo booth.

Andy demolishes the hot wings, while I suck my burned bottom lip, like the pussy I am.

Anyone who accuses me of not signing Aurelian's 3,000 cover pages myself is going to get a punch in the teeth.

Jesus, that hat is even more rad in silhouette.

June 25, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 8 Comments